Friday, February 26, 2016

Yavneh Academy in Paramus opens gym for borough use

Yavneh Academy in Paramus opens gym for borough use
PARAMUS - There is a bit of extra space these days for Paramus’ Recreation
Department and its basketball program.
With the winter sports season in full swing youth basketball players are filling the borough’s gyms, but there is now one more place for the young recreational athletes to play.
Of course, the borough has not built a new gymnasium; rather, a new facility has become available on Saturdays thanks to the generosity of a local, private school.
Yavneh Academy, a modern Orthodox Jewish day school on Farview Avenue, has opened its gym to the town’s recreational basketball teams and games in the facility beginning earlier this month.
The borough’s first day using Yavneh Academy’s gymnasium was Feb. 6 and the feedback has been positive from coaches and players as the gym has been described as a top-notch facility.
Joel Kirschner, the executive director of Yavneh Academy, said allowing the borough to use its gym is a way of saying "thank you" for helping the school co-exist within the community.
"We’re happy to be doing it," said Kirschner. "The building is fallow on Saturday because we’re a Jewish day school; we have nothing going on."
Having an extra gym is certainly a boon to the borough. No matter how much recreation space a town may have, an extra full-size gymnasium is always helpful to ease the use of the town’s other athletic facilities.
The program utilizing the space is Paramus’ boys senior basketball league, which is comprised of the town’s seventh and eighth grade players, said Bob Cowper, the recreation department’s assistant director.
Cowper described the gym as "first class" and said he "jumped at the chance" to give the town’s youth players a chance to play in "such a beautiful facility."
With the offer to use the gym secured, Borough Administrator Joseph D’Arco coordinated the various borough departments that needed to interact with the recreation department, such as the Paramus Police Department, Shade Tree Commission and Department of Public Works to ensure the needs of both the school and recreation department were met.
As with any other borough facility, D’Arco said the borough provides security and maintenance and ensures proper staffing to provide any cleanup necessary once the games are complete.
Cowper said the recreation department did not have any definitive plans to use the gym for any other activities on Saturdays beyond basketball season, but he said it was certainly a possibility.
"Our players and coaches are very exciting to be playing there," said Cowper.
Mayor Richard LaBarbiera applauded Yavneh Academy for showing a commitment to the borough in allowing it to use a vacant facility on their property and providing more recreation space for its young athletes.
"I can’t say enough about how generous it is on their part," said LaBarbiera. "It’s awesome."

Former Refusenik Rabbi Mendelevich Retells His Story at Yavneh Academy

Former Refusenik Rabbi Mendelevich Retells His Story at Yavneh Academy
Yavneh Academy was privileged to have Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich, a former refusenik, address their seventh grade students. Rabbi Mendelevich shared his story of being repeatedly refused the right to immigration, and being imprisoned for eleven years in the former Soviet Union because he is a Jew. He stressed how important it is to stand up for Am Yisrael and for one’s beliefs. The students were spellbound by his presentation and had many questions for Rabbi Mendelevich after the presentation. The Yavneh family is so happy for the opportunity to have the students to meet and hear from a true hero of Am Yisrael.

Yavneh Holds First Annual Digital Citizenship Fair

Yavneh Holds First Annual Digital Citizenship Fair
Yavneh Academy held its first annual digital citizenship fair. The sixth graders incorporated project-based learning into the digital citizenship curriculum. The students researched various topics about digital citizenship such as digital etiquette and staying safe online, and then presented to Yavneh’s third graders at a digital citizenship fair.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Yavneh Academy Welcomes NJ Senator Robert Gordon

Yavneh Academy Welcomes NJ Senator Robert Gordon
NJ Senator Robert Gordon visited Yavneh Academy last week. Senator Gordon spoke to the students about his job, how he got involved in politics, the legislative process and why it is important to become involved in your community. Students and parents appreciated the opportunity to have a special question and answer session with the Senator.

Yavneh Students Construct the Mishkan

Yavneh Students Construct the Mishkan
In honor of Parshat Terumah, Yavneh Academy Early Childhood students learned about architecture from Yavneh grandparent, Mr. Elliott Vika, R.A., and built their own replica of the Mishkan.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yavneh Inspires Chesed With New C4K Program

Yavneh Inspires Chesed With New C4K Program
The inaugural event for Yavneh’s fourth grade Chesed4Kids (C4K), took place this past Saturday night. The goal of C4k is to expose the children to giving to those in need and help them develop a sense of empathy for others, one which they can carry with them throughout their life. Led by Rabbi Goldin of Chabad of Teaneck, the fourth graders made pillows to deliver to local nursing homes. The event was a huge success and over half of the grade was in attendance.
The next C4K events planned will be packing mishloach manot for Tomchei Shabbos and sharing a Purim carnival with members of JADD. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Advertising Intersects With Science at Yavneh

One of the highlights of sixth grade at Yavneh Academy is the science fair. Students from the younger grades attend the fair and listen in awe as the sixth graders present their projects, demonstrating the depth of their expertise.
Preparations began for the upcoming science fair when the students were introduced to their task: to prove or disprove a claim made in a product advertisement. Students quickly began brainstorming and reciting their favorite commercials. The excitement in the classroom was palpable.
Yavneh parent Elie Rosenfeld led an animated discussion about the method and research that goes into creating an advertisement. Mr. Rosenfeld is CEO of Joseph Jacob Advertising, one of the leading advertising agencies for Jewish marketing. Mr. Rosenfeld’s engaging presentation made the students think about the research and process by which companies decide how to most effectively present their products to the public. Advertisements for Polly-O String Cheese and Empire Chicken were among those analyzed by the students, under Mr. Rosenfeld’s guidance. With his assistance, the students identified the claims that needed to be verified by these companies before the relevant advertisements were printed.
This unique visit afforded Yavneh students the opportunity to see how the scientific method is used in the real world. Find a problem, ask a question, create a hypothesis and then test it out. Now the students are off to find their own problems and create unique tests to prove or disprove claims made in advertisements of their choosing.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Yavneh Academy Students Collect American Immigrant Stories

Yavneh Academy Students Collect American Immigrant Stories
Yavneh Academy’s fifth grade classes completed their exploration of immigration to America by creating an Immigration Cookbook. The process for creating the cookbook included interviews with a family member, or a close family friend, who was an immigrants. The goal was for the students to learn about the
interviewees’ journeys and the story behind a favorite family recipe. The cookbook page that each student wrote incorporated the recipe along with a photograph and a paragraph describing how and when the family member came to America.

Can You Spell ‘Gargantuan’?

Can You Spell ‘Gargantuan’?

Yavneh Academy’s Annual Spelling Bee is always a winter highlight. Students vie for the opportunity to represent Yavneh Academy at the Northern NJ Spelling Bee which will be held on the March 22 at Bergen Community College. The winner of that competition will be one step closer to competing in the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Standing on stage in front of their peers, children spelled words including query, languish, effusive, and olfactory. The preliminary qualifying rounds left three finalists: Dahlia Feintuch, Elana Felig and Ephraim Helfgot. The words flew across the stage with the children mastering additional words: acquiesce, porcelain, melee. With two finalists left, the words that determined the winner were xenophobic and gargantuan.
The winner was Elana Felig who will be competing on March 22.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Yavneh Students Taught Sefer Torah Process

Yavneh Students Taught Sefer Torah Process
Yavneh Academy second grade students learned about the process of making a sefer Torah with the Living Legacy Program. The children had the opportunity to write their Hebrew names on klaf using a goose quill and special ink.

Yavneh Academy Celebrates Annual Dinner

Yavneh Academy Celebrates Annual Dinner

On Saturday evening, January 16, nearly 600 attendees gathered at the Marriott Glenpointe in Teaneck for Yavneh Academy’s 73rd annual dinner.
Guests gathered to celebrate the school and to pay homage to this year’s honorees—Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera, Community Service Awardee, and Dr. Sarah Feit, Faculty Service Awardee. Co-chairs for the 73rd annual dinner were Yavneh parents Moshe Weinberger, Michael Wimpfheimer and Keith Zakheim.
Mayor LaBarbiera thanked the Yavneh Academy and spoke about the importance of community. The mayor, who played an instrumental role in helping to build Yavneh’s new gym, also spoke about the importance of physical fitness for children.
Dr. Sarah Feit, who was also celebrating her “bat mitzvah” year of being a Yavneh Academy administrator, stressed how Yavneh strives to meet the specific learning needs of each of the students attending the school. Through Dr. Feit’s dedication and innovative and enthusiastic approach to education, many Bergen County children have benefited from the Yavneh Learning Center and Yavneh’s inclusion program.
At the dinner, Yavneh President Pam Scheininger announced the establishment of the Judah Marans Memorial Fund, an effort spearheaded by his parents, Nina Kampler and Zvi Marans. The fund will enable the creation of the Judah Marans Music and Art Center at Yavneh Academy. Judah, a Yavneh graduate, was a gifted artist and musician and brought tremendous beauty to the world during his short life. The Music and Art Center will honor Judah’s contributions and enable the life which Judah lived to enhance the world through music and art—even in his absence. The fund has been set up through the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and contributions can be made at
“It was truly a thrill to honor Mr. LaBarbiera, a man whose efforts have facilitated the growth of Yavneh’s physical plant, as well as Dr. Feit, whose efforts have facilitated the advancement and achievement of Yavneh’s lofty educational aspirations,” said dinner co-chair Michael Wimpfheimer. “Through the efforts of wonderful people such as these, the Yavneh family can confidently look forward to many years of continued growth.”
The funds raised through the dinner are critical in supporting our school’s annual fund. This fund enables Yavneh to continue providing all their students with top-quality educational programs and scholarship assistance, allowing the school to achieve its mandate of “affordable excellence.” For more information, please contact Michelle Weinraub at