Friday, October 27, 2017

Yavneh ECD Students Learn About Parshat Noach

Parshat Noach gave the children of Yavneh Academy many wonderful learning opportunities. After looking at all the beautiful colors in the rainbow, they took time to learn about primary and secondary colors. The children loved experimenting with the primary colors and were delighted to see many secondary colors emerge. In addition, the classrooms were filled with all the colors of the rainbow when the children dressed in all the colors during “rainbow week.”
How was Noach’s teiva able to float when it was so heavy? This was a question that was posed to the children. They discovered that an item can float when its molecules are not densely packed together. When they are closely packed together, an item will sink. Items from the classroom were selected and tested to see if they would float or sink.
As the song goes, “The animals, they came on by twosies.” This led to talking about pairs. The children had a great time looking for and finding pairs around the classroom as well as on themselves.
Finally, all children in ECD had a terrific time when Cloverland Petting Zoo came to Yavneh. The children loved petting, feeding and posing with all the animals that came to visit.

Yavneh Fourth Graders Begin Learning Sefer Yehoshua

Yavneh Fourth Graders Begin Learning Sefer Yehoshua
Yavneh’s fourth graders have begun their study of Nevi’im. This week they started learning sefer Yehoshua. As the story opens, Yehoshua is assuming leadership of the nation, a month after Moshe passes away. It is the beginning of Bnei Yisrael’s journey into the Land of Israel, fulfilling the promise which Hashem made to Avraham in sefer Bereishit. Yehoshua is encouraged by the words of Hashem, “Chazak V’Amatz!” Much hatzlacha to the fourth graders as they embark on their journey.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rabbi Yaakov Glasser Addresses Yavneh Academy Middle School

In preparation for Yom Kippur, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser addressed the Yavneh Academy middle school students. Through stories, both from midrashim and his life, he demonstrated for the students that each individual student has the ability to be a leader. Just like Bnei Yisrael are referred to as “mamlechet kohanim”- a nation of kohanim - each person has the ability to lead and inspire others. Through respecting and believing in themselves, the Yavneh middle school students will be focusing on being respectful to peers, faculty, the building and themselves.

Yavneh Academy Students Learn Together During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah

Yavneh Academy Students Learn Together During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
Inter-grade learning is one of the most inspirational programs at Yavneh Academy. Students in grades five through eight prepared a lesson to teach to children in grades one through four. They learned all about Yavneh’s two themes of the year, kavod and community, and how the two are inter-connected. It is always an amazing sight to watch the upper grade students become real leaders and teachers to their peers in the lower grades! The classrooms and the hallways were full of students engaged in learning activities and conversations. What an amazing way to prepare for Yom Kippur during Aseret Yemei Teshuvah!